Blossoms, Blossoms and the Accidental Gift


Realizing that I’ve been stuck in front of the computer for far too long, I pushed my chair away yesterday and grabbed my little camera and set out for a walk. I was looking for photos for a photo essay I’m working on, but that is for another day. I didn’t go far. Just a block or two from my home. But there was much to see and savour. Blossoms, blossoms everywhere. The gorgeous ones above were on some trees on the boulevard by the Medical Clinic.

In a front garden, a heather’s fuchsia color  was set off so well by the bright green of the leaves of the bush next to it.


A magnolia in full bloom outside an apartment building.


Grape hyacinths in another front yard, periwinkle-purple color so saturated and full.


And as I wandered by, my eye was caught by a little vignette not planted lovingly by anyone at all, just a lucky scattering of seeds that grew where they were cast, maybe by the birds or a breeze. Clustered around a hydro meter, of all places. A little gift of accidental color, complimentary on the color wheel. Orange and purple, calendula and bluebells.


Then turning back, these cheery pale yellow tulips in my own flower bed welcomed me home.



Stained Glass Mosaics and Synchronicity


I like the idea of synchronicity, which in the dictionary is defined “as the coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related, conceived in Jungian theory as an explanatory principle on the same order as causality.”  My foray into stained glass was definitely a “coincidence of events”.

I also like the idea of serendipity which is our motto in our studio. Serendipity is  “the gift of being able to make delightful discoveries by pure accident ” which was coined by Horace Walpole after the “Three Princes of Serendip” , a fairy tale.

And so it was that synchronicity and serendipity both worked for me in my latest mosaic endeavors. One day Silva from Mosaic Road blog visited my blog and left a comment. I, of course zoomed over to her site and discovered her wonderful stained glass mosaics. Silva not only covers old guitars and stair risers in stained glass but she does wonderful vase sculptures using stained glass. Thank you Silva for the inspiration!

Then, while investigating Flickr I found to my delight groups of mosaic artists to lose myself in for hours. And in one group, I serendipitously found another glass mosaic artist who totally caught my eye, Rebecca Collins. She made mosaics from glass glued over compositions that she’d created in Photoshop. Plus, she made videos on how to do it! Thank you Rebecca! Ok, now I was getting interested thanks to both of these artists who were wonderfully generous with info and now all I needed was glass.

And here again synchronicity worked for me. One day soon after making this decision to try stained glass mosaics, I got an email from a close friend that her friend’s daughter was getting rid of her mosaic supplies. Would I  like them? Well, I said, I’ll be happy to have a look. And what should these supplies be but all sorts of stained glass bits and pieces! Baggies and boxes of gorgeous colorful stained glass, jars of glass in lovely, luscious color! I greedily scooped it all up and with help from Bill, hauled it home to the studio.


Soon I was experimenting and creating my own stained glass mosaics. And learning that with glass there is such a thing as “grout creep” where the grout creeps under the glass and looks sort of messy.


But this next piece turned out quite well, I thought. The collage underneath is based on some of my writing and also some photos of amaryllis and slices of windmill palm photos  My daughter-in-law, who is also a very accomplished mosaic artist, liked it. So I couldn’t resist giving it to her for her birthday.

grn-glass-mosaicwm1I’ve still got lots to learn and still more equipment to get. For one I need a tumbler to soften the edges of the glass if I want to try using it on vases like Silva does. And I need to get a grinding stone to grind down the sharp edges for future pieces.

This last one is still ungrouted, but I’m liking the abstract composition. Now all I need is to find more time……


Here it is grouted….

Abstract glass mosaic, Helen Bushell,

(BTW if you’d like to comment, and we do appreciate comments, please just click on the title to bring up the post with a spot for comments at the bottom.)





First Day of Spring Resolutions


It occurred to me today, as I went out to do some garden clean up, that in some ways, the first day of spring can be much like New Years Day. Both days can be full of resolutions. Granted, for some, there is still snow on the first day of spring, so for those who still waiting, replace first day of Spring with First-day-of-Real-gardening-after-the-snow-is-gone.

So what are the similarities? Well,on New Years Day, I sometimes think I really must change my ways, have a fresh start. I decide I must get more exercise,  really must get into shape, must stop eating all those lovely chocolate goodies. Or I decide I really should try to have a really tidy house, all the time, not just before company comes. Or I decide that this year I will be calm, contemplative, meditative and stress free. Of course, more exercise just becomes more walks and I don’t stop eating goodies but do try to eat less of them. Having a tidy house all the time lasts for about a week. But I have stuck with trying to meditate more. So, what about my first day of Spring resolutions?

Well, come the first day of Spring, I tell myself that this year when it comes to gardening, I will not over do it and will instead pace myself, take lots of breaks and for once, avoid giving myself a nasty case of muscle spasms. I even thought maybe this year I would only allow myself one hour of weeding per day.  I always hope to have a much nicer garden, maintained, weeded, not such a hodge podge. But instead of trying to do it all right away, I will remind myself that I have all spring and summer and I can take my time.

Of course, all that goes out the window on the first day of Spring. Gone is the plan to go slow, not spend the whole day bent over, not to try to do too much. Of course, more than one bed got weeded, more than one area got cleaned up. The little green wagon filled with weeds and also 2 big garbage buckets filled with garden waste to take to the garden recycle. We just couldn’t STOP!


But on a positive note, I did take care of my knees. You may laugh at my little stool with the old pillow wrapped in plastic bags but me “sitting and weeding my way around the garden”,  instead of kneeling my way around the garden really saved my knees.


But oddly enough, I was reminded of one of my New Year’s resolutions to try to be calm and more contemplative while I was slowly and methodically weeding the paths in the herb garden. It came to me as I worked that I needed to think about the mood I’m in when I garden. Am I combative, ready to wage war with the weeds, a control freak who needs everything in its place, every bed edged? Or am I calm and accepting, ready to just enjoy the day and the feeling of accomplishment as I slowly get something done, ready to accept the little surprises that grow where I didn’t plant them? One way is stressful, full of anger sometimes, and often disappointment. The other contemplative, meditative, generally happier and stressfree. I think this will be one thought and perhaps a new resolution,  that I will try to carry with me from now on, when I venture out to tend to the garden.

An in the end, resolutions kept or not, as Will put it, after a day out in the garden you always do feel great mentally,  although the physical part, the sore muscles, the aching back don’t always feel quite so good as we pop an anti-inflammatory and finally relax by vegging on the couch for the evening.


Garden Bloggers Bloom Day March 2010


Well, imagine my surprise when, this morning as I was checking into Blotanical, I realized that everyone was posting what was blooming in their gardens today. What followed was a flurry of getting out of my housecoat, getting dressed and running around the garden, camera in hand, looking for blooms. And I was not disappointed. In fact, I found some new blooms on my Mystery plant. It’s never bloomed before. I got it from a very good gardener at a garage sale a couple of summers ago and yes, it did have a tag, but I’ve lost it. If you know, please tell me. It’s the one at the top of the post.

I have just joined Blotanical, inspired by Karen at An Artist’s Garden and it’s been fun.  And I must add that Karen has done a wonderful job of her photos as usual, and also it’s worth it to check out her last years photos too. Trust me on this. Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is hosted by May Dreams Garden and as soon as I’ve got this posted I’ll be zooming over there to add my blog to the day. And then, I suppose, spend more time checking out everyone else’s garden blooms for March. So here they are, with names,(just hover over with your mouse) if I know them, my blooms for March.  Now, I must admit the magnolia is in my garden, but not yet planted.  She is a gift from my sister Shirl, for my recent birthday.  I am spoiled you know.








Something Silly and Fun – Weather Rocks


Oh I know it’s an old joke. Weather rocks to tell you the weather, if they’re wet, it’s raining, If they’re dry and hot, well then, it’s sunny. Today the rocks are very very wet. Luckily, since I live on the Wet Coast, I happen to like rain.

And I also like rocks, collect them sometimes. So for fun, here are my “Weather Rocks” in context, with part of the rain-washed garden in the background.



My Morning Walk

I find I rarely leave the house for a walk without my camera. And today, although suddenly the weather has turned colder, I was determined to get some photos of the trees. This is, after all one of the reasons I moved here… trees in bloom in February and March.

My artist eyes like to see abstract compositions and this juxtaposition of the red new leaves in the hedge against the fine pink blossoms just caught me.


Only a few houses away I couldn’t resist the twisting black branches of this tree full of blossoms.


The one thing about Victoria is that we are a garden city and even the traffic circles have landscaping! Don’t you just love it?


I know that when I decide to turn to the right on my walk, I’m going to end up visiting the chickens. There is just no way I’ll miss them. The people here have such a collection of pretty chickens and I’m sure they have pretty eggs too.


The park next door on the way home presented a chance to get a close up of the blossoms, which I couldn’t resist.


And finally, home again, to be reminded of my flea market find of last weekend. OK consider this the “before” photo. Eric thinks it’s ugly, but Bill and I sat on it in the church parking lot, where the sale was held. The swing has a great swinging movement and hey, it didn’t break. I’ve always wanted a garden swing. Plus the price was right…$8! Now I just have to decide what color to paint it. Oh decisions, decisions.



A Perfect Birthday on a Perfect Spring Day


Yesterday I celebrated another year on this beautiful world with just a very few of my most special people. Yesterday was a perfect spring day and somehow my presents confirmed it.  Well, at least here it’s Spring already, and looking around, I’m pretty sure about this.

First a gift of Orchids called Cymbidium, pale mauve pink and spotted peaking out from an abundant set of leaves. Love the name, the way it sounds. Sometimes I just love saying the names of flowers and plants, just for the way they sound, like cymbidium, alstromeria, phalaenopsis or pachysandra.

And it just so happened that I had the perfect pot for them, made years ago by mosaicing an old crock pot of all things.

Then, a beautiful arrangement of spring flowers which, after spending time being admired as my table centerpiece, will be planted out in the garden. Almost like a double present. The wire hearts will I think become part of some chime arrangement later.


And then last but not least, a Hart’s Tongue Fern. This is for some reason my most favourite fern. I’ve been wanting one for years. There is something about the curl of the leaves that I love. I may have to draw it first, before it takes its place in the garden.


So yesterday was a perfect day. And my birthday celebrations are not over yet! Friday, I’ll have more of my very special people over to make all kinds of pizzas and drink lots of wine. Ah, can’t wait!
